Covent Garden 28/01
40. 2 Patterns. You can “clash” two patterns, but the scale has to be different
13. You’re a 'Differ' if: Your hair is a different colour from your face. You should be wearing contrasting colours; it enhances the colour differences in your face. The contrast will enhance your face. Fuck subtleties, you’re a man, only women and cats know subtle.
19. Create a highlight. Move away from just black, blue and grey clothes. I know, sometimes it’s nice to hold onto what you think is safe; safe is nice, you look into your wardrobe and it’s a sea of nice safe blacks, greys and blues. Fuck that you winey little girl. I’m not suggesting you start buying suits that would scare Jonathan Ross circa 2001, but a bright corner pocket, socks or scarf will make you look like you’ve thought about it, and you’ve got the chops to have a go.
Fucking Shazam!
Not fucking playing games this little ray of sunshine is he? Two bold patterns are working well
together here because of their differing scales of pattern. If he’d had two patterns which were
similar in scale, they’d fight for attention, but here they work well
independently. By having colours from the same tones, they have a link.
Mix in the fact he’s only gone and picked a set of
warm colours which makes his skin tones appear warmer, and he’s used a strong
contrast in colours which mimic his hair/face contrast, the overall use of
pattern and colour is the bollocks.
And lets face it, he’s had a go; he who dares Rodders, he who dares....
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