This style guide uses rules on colour and composition to show you how to dress like a fucking man. Details, colour, shape, details, colour, shape, details, colour, shape, details, colour, shape, I’ll keep going on about it till you fucking listen.

Covent Garden
22. Layer. This should tie in with your colour palette and pattern selection. If you’re a 'differ' layer contrasting colours, if you’re a similar, build up a rich palette. This gives you an extra dimension to your look.
42. No Trainers. You are not a fucking B boy, if you are, run along now, there’s nothing here for you to see.
9. Up at the back, down at the front. If there is excess baggage around your ass it will do one of two things: it will make you look like you’ve shit yourself; or women will not see your ass, and will assume you’ve shit yourself. The added advantage of this rule is that it also shows off your junk. Trust me on this one, they are looking.
Like we do always, lets start with colour: his face is pale, his hair colour is dark, he is a 'differ'. He should wear contrasting colours, the colours should be warm. Like a fucking man, he's done that and succeeded in looking composed. By linking warm colours throughout (belt to shoes to trousers, all warm browns; the red in the scarf to the hat; the rich blue base; all these colours layered together make the whole look appear even warmer, including his face colour) the clothes are making him look actually part of his outfit.
Now onto the details: the heavy patterned scarf adds some fun and stops him looking stuffy, the hat, to a certain degree does this too, but it was fucking cold, so he may be just keeping his ears warm. I will not be drawn into posting pictures of people who look cool, but are in fact actually cold. We’re men, not idiots.
And finally, he’s got a bit of a round face and a bit of a belly, but you hadn’t noticed that had you? The slouchy ‘knot’ and apparent V created by his scarf, the long tails of the scarf and the low open cut of the jacket, all give the impression of length and accentuate the vertical, which balances the shape of his face.
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